Saddle Club South Homeowners Association R & C Violation Fines



These fines are applicable to the following Restrictions & Covenants Violation(s), upon any & all Lots within the Saddle Club South Homeowners Association Subdivision, in addition with other enforcement steps needed to correct the default(s) in accordance with the HOA Governing Document.

Violations / Monthly Fine Amounts:

Zoning and Construction

Operating a commercial business on Lot $20.00 Per R & C no single-family residence may be used for commercial business purposes with customer, patient or visible foot traffic.

Outbuildings/other structures on Lot $20.00 All structures must be approved by ACC and be of a design aesthetically compatible with residence.

Construction conformance $20.00 All construction shall be in conformance with building & sanitary codes of City Midland.

Fencing upon Lot $20.00 Fences to be of wood, tile, cinderblock or brick construction and at least 5 feet in height. All fences shall be kept in a good state of repair with regular maintenance and replace as needed.

Home exteriors & roofs $20.00 At least 60% of the exterior wall surface shall be of brick, rock, stone, brick or stone veneer or stucco. All roofs shall be covered in either wooden or shake shingles or other materials approved by the Architectural Control Committee.

Failure to Get Prior Architectural Control Committee Approval

Permanent changes, modificationsadditions & improvements to Lots $20.00 No building, fence, wall, residence, structure or projection of a structure whether of a temporary or permanent nature and whether or not such structure shall be affixed to the ground shall be commenced, erected, maintained, painted, improved, or altered nor shall any grading, paving, rock gardening, excavation, significant change in landscape design that affects facing portion of the Lot, change in exterior color, or other work which in any way alters the exterior appearance of any Lot or improvement don without approval from the ACC. No permanent lawn decorations over 36 inches shall be placed upon the front lawn of any Lot without prior approval from the ACC.

Motor Vehicles/ Off- Road /Trailers/Boats/Repairs

Motor Vehicles $15.00 No residents shall park in any manner that blocks or interferes with their neighbor’s, including in front of neighboring homes or blocking drives. Parking is permitted only on driveways, streets, or if permitted under applicable city ordinance alleyways. Residents may park personal vehicles in operable condition with current state required inspection and registration tags on the street directly adjacent to and corresponding with the property lines of their respective Lot. No motor vehicle repairs shall be conducted in public view within the Subdivision nor shall any inoperative motor vehicles or motor vehicle parts be allowed to remain within public view.

Easements/Active Pipeline/Rights-of-Way $15.00 No vehicles shall be parked upon the pipeline easement. No vehicles shall interfere with the rights of ingress and egress to and from easements.

Mobile homes parked on Lot $15.00 No mobile home, habitable motor vehicles, or travel trailers of any nature shall be kept on or stored on any part of the property except within an enclosed garage or design aesthetically compatible with that of the residence.

Boats/trailers/off- road vehicles on Lot $15.00 No boats, trailers or off-road vehicles of any nature shall be kept on or stored on any part of the property except within an enclosed garage of a design aesthetically compatible with that of the residence or within a fenced enclosure so as not to be visible above said fence lines.

 Animals Within the Subdivision $10.00 No animals, birds or fowl shall be kept or maintained on any part of the property except dogs, cats and pet birds within houses or fenced enclosures as pets for pleasure but not for commercial use or purpose. Domestic animals kept pursuant to this provision shall not cause a disturbance or create a nuisance to adjoining property owners. City leash laws will be upheld and enforced.

Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance $10.00 No weeds, underbrush or unsightly growths shall be permitted to grow or remain on any part of the sold Lots, and no refuse pile or unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain anywhere thereon. The structure and ground of each Lot shall be maintained in a neat and attractive manner at all times with the ground being trimmed, edged, and cut and debris and dead trees and foliage removed on a regular basis. Dirt yards shall not be permitted unless said yards are being prepared for imminent lawn improvements. Any artificial turf with the approval of the Architectural Control Committee shall be installed by professional installers, kept and maintained in a neat and attractive manner at all times, with weeds, leaves and debris removed and the condition and coloring of such turf maintained. No substantial changes in the elevation of the land shall be made on the premises.

Recorded May 15, 2020

Document # 13455

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